anotar texto Jon Milius y walter hill (Ghana)

 "You might call it extreme posters that promise extreme action,violence, and moderate sex. The sex is in the implied prowess of the hero, the capability we know we lack. Otherwise why did our heroes of the last ten or fifteen years need the layered-on muscles, the jutting steroid jaws, the flinty eyes, the big guns. Bogart jus tneed a revolver a nd he was interesting, dangerous. John Wayne only needed a lever-action Winchester or a Colt six-shooter to tame an entire continent. These guys need more. We need more. Out dopehadn't been working. We need our firepower. A  man can't get satisfaction without a highcyclic rate and large magazine (they never run empty). We need body count-high body count. We need bodies built of great meaty slabs of sinew. We need to kick people's faces off! Why? Because it feels good. It feels potent.

We are no longer free. The frontiers are closing, the land is expensive. Only the rich can wander the traceless wastes -the rest of us are relegated to guided tours. Laws close in us, lawyers watch for us to make the wrong move. Corporations tell us how to dress, behave, not to smoke. The media tells us what is cool and we listen and by God we obey. Any infraction, and one falls from the ladder. Marginalization and neglect are the sentence, and the refuse is swept over the edge of the world. 

Give me a big gun with numerous clips sticking out of it-grenade launchers underneath, fins in the barrel, holes in the hand guard. Great gouts of flame, death, lead, and seed will issue from  my barrel. My enemies will burst forth into flame or be torn asunder by vast explotions. I will go forth steel gazed, wrapped in Kevlar skin over tense and straining musculature. The world will break before me. CEO's will fle, developement executives will perish, and lawyers will beg forgiveness. There is no forgiveness. The world will be made safe and right again, untilthe next film can be thrown from the truck or projected on the back of the chicken hatchery. And then my hope is to be greeted by my fellow man with savage howls of grandeur, malice, and exhalation." (John Milius, cap. "War and Urban Commandos" de "Extreme Canvas")


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