Posters de Ghana

"To attract viewers, the video clubs needed to advertise their offerings. But they did not have the original movie posters, or the means to print alternatives -- the country's military rulers had even restricted the import of printing presses.

So they made their own, commissioning local artists to hand-paint them on used flour sacks. They were large, usually 40 to 50 inches in width, and 55 to 70 inches in height."

Algunos artistas: Mr. Brew, Marc Anthony, Moses, Joe Mensah, Nyen Kumah, D. A. Jasper, Death is Wonder, Heavy J., Frank Armah, Leonardo, Socrates, Farkira (Este último vive en Teshie, en la rgión del Gran Accra). Totalmente desconocidos y difícil encontrar información sobre ellos. Como ocurre con todo lo africano, norteamericanos y europeos van a África a llevarse sus obras, supongo que por monedas, y luego las venden en el mercado del primer mundo.


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